How the Cape Fear Sail & Power Squadron


is Organized







Nearly every corporation has a board of directors that oversees the managers who conduct the day-to-day business. Ours does, too, but we call it our “Bridge.” The Bridge consists of the Commander, Executive Officer, Educational Officer, Administrative Officer, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers are elected by and are responsible to all the members. Its meetings are announced in our newsletter and our website. We encourage you to attend them.


The Executive Committee consists of the Bridge Officers, the immediate Past Commander and three active Members-at-Large (MAL) elected by the general membership. The Executive Committee has general charge of the policy, management, and finances of the Squadron. Members of the Executive Committee are vested with and have legal custody of all the property of the Squadron. The Committee votes to approve membership applications recommended by the Membership Committee. The Executive Committee also appropriates such sums as may be deemed advisable, within the limits of the current resources of the Squadron, for the normal and usual operation of the Squadron, including Squadron, District, and United States Power Squadrons® functions.


The Commander (Cdr) presides over all our membership and Executive Committee meetings and performs all the other tasks normally accomplished by the president of any corporation or similar group. The Cdr is ultimately responsible for all written communication and published material of the squadron to our members and the public.


Each of the following officers receive a lot of help from the rest of us through various committees to which we belong. The officers' responsibilities are generally described below.


The Executive Officer (XO) is our “executive vice president.” Second in command, the XO performs the Commander’s duties when the Commander is unavailable. This member is responsible for all external functions of the squadron, such as public relations, cooperative charting, boat shows, vessel safety checks, legislation of interest to us as boaters, radio technical information, and safety issues.


The Squadron Educational Officer (SEO) manages all the educational activities of the squadron including public boating courses and the educational curriculum of the entire squadron membership. The SEO makes certain that all participants in the educational activities of the squadron are properly instructed, and the instructors are qualified to handle their duties. The SEO is the only officer that is also approved by the District Educational Officer acting for the National Educational Officer.


The Administrative Officer (AO) is responsible for all internal functions of the squadron. The AO’s tasks include recruiting and retaining members, keeping us involved in squadron activities, arranging for membership meetings, programs and entertainment, setting up boating activities, and leadership development.


The Secretary records and keeps minutes of all our meetings and safeguards our legal documents. Our Secretary also maintains the squadron membership records and is responsible for our newsletter, our website, our Facebook page, and the roster of members. In addition, supervising the squadron Historian, and sending informational mass emails to all squadron members and associated members.


The Treasurer manages all financial transactions of the squadron. In addition, the Treasurer presides over the Ship’s Store Officer and the Property Officer.


The Bridge officers are elected at our Annual Meeting and installed at our Change of Watch. Usually, our SEO serves for three consecutive one-year terms, but our other Bridge members usually serve for one or two-year terms. Each of the Executive, Educational, Administrative, Secretary and Treasurer Officers hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander (Lt/C). All their respective official flags are posted on the next Bridge Officers tab.


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